Books Chapters

2013 Li, E.Y. and Chang, S.H. (2013) "User Intention of Sharing Video Clips on Web 2.0 Social Networking Websites," in E.Y. Li, et al., eds. (2013) Organisations and Social Networking: Utilizing Social Media to Engage Consumers, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
2009 Li, E.Y. (2009) "Innovating Values in Cultural Industry through Artwork Licensing Services," in R.H.J. Yen, ed. (2009) Lecture Notes on Service Science with 10 Cases, Bestwise Publishing, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 186-195.
2006 Du, T.C. and Li, E.Y. (2006) "Building Dynamic Business Process in P2P Semantic Web," in E.Y. Li and T.C. Du, eds. (2006) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 2 (Semantic Webs and Intelligent Web Services), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 180-198.
2006 Lee, H.C., Huang, S.W., and Li, E.Y. (2006) "Web Mining for Protein-to-Protein Interaction Information," in E.Y. Li and T.C. Du, eds. (2006) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 2 (Semantic Webs and Intelligent Web Services), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 280-309.
2005 Li, E.Y. and Du, T.C. (2005) "Collaborative Commerce," in E.Y. Li and T.C. Du, eds. (2005) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 1 (Collaborative Commerce), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2005, pp. 1-18.
1995 Li, E.Y. and Chen, H.G. (1995) "Basic Knowledge in Information Technology (in Chinese)," in Kai Sung, ed. (1995) Localizing Teaching Materials for Information Management, Office of Science and Technology Consultation, Ministry of Education, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 27-79.
1991 Li, E.Y., Shani, A.B., and Perners, L. (1991) "Information Systems Satisfaction among IS Managers," in J. M. Carey, ed. (1991) Human Factors in Information Systems: An Organizational Perspective, Ablex Publisher, Norwood, NJ., pp. 179-194.






Lab's Main Focus and Research

GEBRC research in areas of human factors in information technology (IT), strategic IT planning, software engineering, quality assurance, information management, and business management.